Sunday, 18 April 2010

Planning: Photographs

For my poster and magazine I had to take photographs and decide who I wanted them to be off and the connotation I was trying to portray. From my questionnaire findings the target audience said that would prefer to see a image of the actor on the front page of a magazine and as the main image on the poster. Taking this into consideration I therefore decided to use 'The Caretaker' from our trailer. Throughout the trailer he is kept ambiguous and his face whole face is never shown. I thought it was important for the target audience to see the whole of his face in order for them to connect with the character but at the same time still keeping a sense of enigma.

The Composition of this photograph is effective as the target audience can understand who the character is still allowing them to connect with him but at the same time keeping enimga as his face is not directly looking at the camera. For this reason I choose this image for my poster.

The main feature of the image below is the lighting. This image suggest ambiguity through the lighting however when carried out some research on this image it was clear to see that it wouldn't target my audience as you can't see the character's face. The effect of the lighting is professional looking however the character has it's back turned to the audience which would therefore cause some confusion. Also when analysing existing poster most of the images show the character's face or its easy to identity what they are trying to portray. For this reason I choose not to use this image.

The image below is just a regular close up of the character's face. I thought by using this image it would attract the target audience but still keeping the poster/ magazine simply. However the image is shown to be nothing interesting therefore not showing any emigma. This image doesn't represent my genre the best therefore I choose not to use it.

The image below is a long shot of the character. When analysing exisiting magazine front covers most of the shots used where either medium or close up. Therefore I thought by using a long shot it would be unique to the magazine. It also allows the target audience to see the whole image of the character for example costume and background therefore having a full understanding of the character. Although the image is shown to be dark I have lighten it y using photoshop. For this reason I choose to use this image for my magazine front cover.

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