Sunday, 18 April 2010

Planning: Narrative Structure & Character Analysis

Tzvetan Todorov analysed narratives ad suggested that they could be broken down in to five simple stages. Using his theory, as a group we broke our narrative down ensuring they fitted in to each stage.
Equilibrium - t’s a normal school day for the characters however this day is Halloween so it’s the 31st October 2009. A Group of friends are hanging out together in the school playground. Jay who is one of the main characters in the film tells the rest of his friends a hoax about a previous head teacher. This head teacher had committed suicide in the school building on the evening of Halloween. He tells the rest of his friends that since this day the school has been haunted.
Disruption – That night Jay and the rest of his friends decided to break into school to investigate whether this hoax is true or not. Whilst they are in the building they start to hear noises and get worried.
Recognition of disruption – They begin to wonder around the school in order to find where the noise in coming from however they all see a shadow of the teacher and then Jay goes missing.
Attempt to repair disruption – Jay then scares the rest of his friends as he doesn’t reallt go missing and tells his friends he was only joking. They all then go to leave the building but the door is locked and they hear more noises.
Reinstatement of equilibrium – They finally leave the school and the next day tell everyone else what happened that night. A year passes and a new group of friends start telling the same myth.

Character Analysis
The characters for my horror trailer will include 5 characters all together made up of 3 boys and 2girls. It is important to have a mixture of boys and girls as the characters can be related to my target audience. This means the horror trailers is aimed at both sexes therefore including both boys and girls means the target audience can connect with the characters better.
3boys = Jay, Arron & Sean

2girls = Tara & Laila

Jay – Character Analysis
Rebel, leader. Stereotypical image of a teenager aged 17. He wears hat, tracksuit bottom, Trainers, Hoody. His personality is arrogant, big headed, attention seeker and always smokes. He comes from a working class family who lives on a rough estate. He had a stepdad who abused him and now lives with his single parent mum. He’s on the verge of getting kicked out of school due to bad behaviour, truancy and bad grades.

Aaron – Character Analysis
Comes from a middles class wealthy family. Smartly dressed – trousers, shirt, cardigan, plimsolls. Has mainly good grades in school and well mannered. However he is easily influenced by other. 17 years old.

Sean – Character Analysis
Stereotypical image of a teenager. Wears tracksuit, trainers. Lives on the same estate as Jay. He also comes from a working class family and lives with his parents, follows jay and gets into bad crowds. He is also on the verge on getting kicked out because of bad grades, smoking and truancy.

Tara - Character Analysis
Best friends with Laila. She is also a attention seeker and is popular amongst her peers at school. She wears a lot of makeup and wears leggings, top, pumps, earrings, necklace, and bangles. She comes from a working class family and lives with her mum. Average student who attends school most of the time. 17 years old.

Laila – Character Analysis
New to the area and lives with parents. Got into the wrong crowd with Tara and the boys. Simple girl who wear, jeans, top and shoes. Subtle make up. Good grades but will suffer due to new school and friends. She is quite shy.

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