Sunday, 18 April 2010


For A2 media studies I have been asked to create a promotional film package for a teaser trailer, poster and film magazine cover. For this task I had the opportunity to work as a group. We decided the best genre in which we were going to base our promotional film package around was Horror. This is because after watching a variety of trailers we found that horror trailers were the most interesting and intensive. The intensity used in horror trailers could be shown through my skills which I had developed throughout this course. For example I noticed horror trailers use a lot of close up and fast pace editing therefore I would take this into consideration when filming/editing in order to portray this convention in my trailer. I also think the reason we choose the genre horror is because of technology, as we live in a modern society more people are up to date with technology therefore this allows us to broaden our skills in teams of editing, this means we can explore doing different things when editing such as pace, transition, camera angles etc.

Another part of this promotional film package is to create a film magazine cover and a poster. I felt these two choices were the best as I had a high – quality understanding of print. This was because for our AS task we were asked to produce a school newsletter and a music magazine containing a contents page, double page spread and front cover. As I have already developed excellent skills and knowledge of print this meant that the magazine cover and poster would be produced to a outstanding standard and because I have developed my skills in Photoshop this would benefit my print work as well. The other choice which I had was to create a Web page for the trailer however due to not having the best facilities and technology to design the web page it would mean not being able to create work to the best possible standard which could have a impact on my finale grade.

In order for the trailer to be success I would need to carry out some research. This research will consist of an analysis of horror trailers so I can understand the codes and conventions used in horror trailers. I would also need to watch a range of trailers to gain some knowledge and background around horror trailers. However so I can understand where trailers are first advertised and distributed I would need to do some research regarding production companies.

After I have conducted my research I can then start on my planning which will include both group and individual tasks. Firstly as group we will need to make our storyline; this was done using Tzvetan Todorov theory of the five stages, which include: equilibrium, disruption, recognition, attempt to repair disruption and reinstatement of equilibrium. We fitted our storyline into these five categories. We than needed to storyboard our ideas to understand how it was going to be filmed and which camera angle, movements and transitions were going to be used.

From this promotional film package I hope to achieve a high quality teaser trailer which fits my genre and a well produced magazine cover and poster. I will need to achieve this by carry out specific research and detailed planning.

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